Crondall Energy: Using the PT Solutions Cyber Security Assessment to fill in the knowledge gaps

It’s not often that we quote Albert Einstein in our blog posts, but we think he had a point when he said “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know”. When it comes to cyber security, it is pretty clear that most of us would agree with him!

Crondall Energy: Using the PT Solutions Cyber Security Assessment to fill in the knowledge gaps

While we don’t claim to know everything, our Cyber Security Assessments can help highlight vulnerabilities in even the most secure businesses. But let’s be honest here, most businesses don’t fall into that category. And even those that do consider themselves secure have only got to that point by recognising that they don’t know everything when it comes to IT security.

Acknowledging that fact and acting to mitigate risks rather than sticking their heads in the sand is one of the most important steps towards achieving effective cyber security. Long gone are the days when being a small and relatively insignificant business offered a degree of protection through anonymity. Hoping to go un-noticed by the growing band of malicious players out there is simply not a credible strategy even for the smallest business.

One example of a business that is aware, responsible, and cyber-secure, is Crondall Energy. Having recently engaged with PT Solutions’ Cyber Security Assessment to validate their current security arrangements. The assessment identified vulnerabilities they hadn’t been aware of, so Crondall Energy is now more confident that they are protecting their data, and that of their clients, against both internal and external threats. You can find out more about the process they went through in our case study: PT Solutions performs a cyber security assessment for Crondall Energy.

Effective cyber security is an ongoing process to be engaged in rather than a defined set of solutions or protections. PT Solutions works with its clients, both large and small, to equip them to deal with the challenges they face with the tools that are most appropriate for their business, and works with them to maintain that level of protection moving forwards. A cyber security assessment from PT Solutions is an excellent starting point for this process.

To find out more about how we can provide your business with IT Security support, give us a call on 02380 111844, email us on or send us a message via our contact form.

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